Public insurance adjusters are licensed by the state of Texas to represent your interests through every stage of the claims process: preparation, filing, adjustment, negotiation, and settlement. They can even help you re-open a claim that’s been closed for up to two years, recovering additional money for repairs, replacements and upgrades. And if you’re ever notified that your claim is denied, a public adjuster should be the first call you make.

Having this kind of advocate on your side is especially important right now, because estimates of hurricane damage can vary widely. The insurance company’s adjuster is likely to estimate on the low end; that’s why your
public adjusters can routinely achieve settlements of 50, 100, even 200 percent higher than the insurer’s offer.
The insurance company will often want to pay for cleaning and painting a damaged area, or replacing only part of the affected area,” explains Alex Step, of United States Public Adjuster (“USPA”). “But cleaning and painting might not be enough — there could be structural damage you don’t see, like mold or wood rot. And because building codes are stricter now, you could be entitled to a whole new, upgraded roof — not just repairs to the damaged area.
Most adjusters at USPA are former insurance company adjusters with extensive experience in estimating damage caused by hurricanes, fires, floods, fallen trees, lightning, you name it. That’s important, says Step, “because you need people who know the process in and out — who know all the tricks of the trade.
Unsettled and/or underpaid Hurricane Ike property claims are a specialty for the Houston and Galveston area
Public Adjusters. If you are dissatisfied with your insurance settlement, unsure if it was properly paid or not, and even if you feel that it was paid fully and completely,DO NOT STOP THERE.